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A member registered Jun 14, 2020

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Excellent Thank you.  It might be useful to add in a table tab for being able to upgrade on the roll table with Residuum since that's a core mechanic as well.

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So Loot Structure Questions:  If you were rolling up loot crates have spells and skills merged into one table called Techniques), but on the random equipment roll table you can roll either skills or spells.  Was that meant to be merged into 1-34 being Techniques?   Or did you intend to break those tables into 2 seperate tables?

Itd be one thing if they were in order, but the spells and techniques are mixed between each other. :)

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This stuff looks great. All the Ultra Edition work looks good.  The only thing id say really needs work is  D666 tables need to be converted into actually die values not the total count because converting it is a bit of a headache.  But otherwise stunning.

Yeah totally its a very odd bug I had never seen before.  When i figured it out i realized its probabaly a good bug for you to know about, even if you cant do anything immediately about it.

So..I discovered what was causing this I think, but I still dont know why.  I in poking around killed steam and epic.  I think the steam compability modules were what was causing it though.

And now everything works fine.  So apparently when playing through the download it doesnt much like steam running.  

A wierd but interesting little glitch.

So this may just be a compatability in process issue, but my primary game pad is an Xbox360 controller.  I use both a wired and wireless one and I have a number of odd minor issues I am not sure if their is any direct way to resolve.  The most obvious one is the twin sticks dont work properly, they both want to move the character, and even though they are set to different commands it doesn't seem to know what to do. Additionally the dodge roll occasionally brings up the menue for some reason, and the b button will bring up the onscreen keyboard.  Start also wont bring up the menu properly I actually have to use the escape key to do so.

I am not sure what the specific problems that are causing this but it does happen on 2 seperate computers so..i assume it might have more to do with compatability with the xbox game pad than actual software issues.  I dont know if their is a resolution, but I figured it would be useful for you to know.